Eyaes clear

28.6.2024 – test for hereditary eye diseases (DOO) clean 
– ELEKTRA CORA Radinie , OXFORD Radinie 🙂

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ELEKTRA CORA Radinie passed IBGH 2 exam

ELEKNení k dispozici žádný popis fotky.TRA CORA Radinie passed another test today, this time it was IBGH 2 ! 💪This is her third test this year. 🤩 She made a few mistakes, mostly out of impatience, but the important thing is that she was with me and tried hard. That’s the most important thing for me, she made me happy. 😍  

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ELEKTRA CORA Radinie je Interchampion C.I.B.

Může jít o obrázek 2 lidé a text Může jít o obrázek text, kde se píše ROYALCANIN CANIN ROYAL οκν & Zwei starke Partner! Urkunde Katalognr.: 129 IHA TULLN 2024- DANUBE WINNER 07.Juni2024 07. Juni 2024 RIESENSCHNAUZER SCHWARZ GEBRAUCHSHUNDEKLASSE Elektra Cora Radinie Glänznerova Helena Formwert: Vorzüglich 1, CACA, CACИB, DANUBE WINNER 2024 Birabrook Birdbrook fes Kaй lean! www.rosettes.at International ational Interno Media Partner OurDOG Newspaper .• weil wir Hunde lieben ..Může jít o ilustraci projekt a text, kde se píše Österreichischer Kynologenverband IHR PA RT NE R IN H UN DE FR AG EN HA TULLN 2024 DANUBE WINNER R8898 Riesenschnauzer schwarz Name Hundes Elektra Cora Radinie Zuchtbuch-Nr. K/8023/20 Katalg-Nr 129 Fing-Nr. Glänznerova Helena Geschlecht Hündin 27.06.2020 Klazze Gebrauchshundel BESCHREIBUNG Danum 07.06.2024 BEWERTUNG Hündin sehr guter Gesamterscheinung, femininer Kopf, korr. Gebiss, dkl. sehr gut einges. Auge, eleganter Hals, sehr gute Vorbrust, korr. gewinkelt, fester Rücken, kurze Lende, vzgl. bemuskelt, flüssiges Gangwerk mit sehr gutem Schub, vzgl. Fellfarbe Qualităt Vorzüglich 1 CACA CACIB Besondere Titel: DANUBE WINNER 2024 Nama dos Richters Martina Panzenböck FCI ROYAL CANIN οκν Zwei starke Partner!ELEKTRA CORA Radinie – won CACIB in Tulln and thus fulfilled all the requirements for the FCI Interchampion C.I.B. title. I am very happy that our next breeding bitch, as well as her mother Hella Heureka Radinie and grandmother Prime Brillance Radinie and great-grandmother Lady vom Kossower Land, will win the highest title. I personally value the FCI Interchampion C.I.B. title, which is linked to a working test. The combination of beautiful standard exterior and working character is also our breeding goal…

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HANNIBAL BARKAS Radinie & HELLA HEUREKA Radinie – 12 years

HANNIBAL BARNení k dispozici žádný popis fotky.KAS Radinie & HELLA HEUREKA Radinie – 12 years old

Our oldest and best still in good spirits 🤩😍 – today is their 12th birthday 🥳🥰 HANNIBAL BARKAS Radinie “ROCKY” & HELLA HEUREKA Radinie “HELLA” 🥰  (Bodo vom Hexenwald x Prime Brilliance Radinie)

Photo from today’s evening walk 😊

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